Sunday, December 31

How about the M.I.L.E. Foundation and its secret ties with cappies?


Offering a wide range of cryonic preservation options, the Manifest Infinity Life Extension Foundation specializes in the artistic celebration of the cryonic experience.

Our specialty cryonic suspension devices are not only functional, for those predisposed to permanent life extension, but offer extremely aesthetic and daring designs by some of the top names in the business.

M.I.L.E.F. features some of the foremost scientists and artists working in the fields of cryonics today; including internationally recognized artists and designers, Macarthur recipients, Pulitzer Prize winning literary figures, Fulbright scholars, and even a Nobel laureate.

We take life extension very seriously. The motto here at M.I.L.E.F. is that “the cryopatient is penultimate.” We hold the earnest belief that our futures our literally that, “they are ours.” We believe that in our sad, sick world overrun with disease, pestilence, poverty, overpopulation and war that a better future awaits us just over the bleak horizon.

Today science has a more nuanced and human understanding of mortality. Cryonics, vitrification, cloning, terra forming, extropy, space travel, nanotechnology, advances in medicine and health care now, more than ever, play a pivotal role in our dreams of the future.

This is no magic carpet ride, and it is not the stuff of science fiction novellas, it is the best cryonic science and artistic design has to offer. We invite you to experience our celebration of life extension by becoming a member of our growing cryonic community. And as our founder, and noble ex-patriot, the honorable Lord Kevin, the Uncanny of Belthtimeshire used to say, “Come on in the liquid nitrogen is fine.”

Bert Colbert
Chief Administrative Officer for Research and Relational Forms
Manifest Infinity Life Extension Foundation


At 6:38 AM, Blogger Nathan Shafer said...

Just to be fair Willard; the M.I.L.E. Foundation isn't a non-profit organization, though they are an NGO. They want to make money by selling people cryonic suspension. They may be a little sleazy, but 'cappies'. Political slurs aren't funny unless directed specifically at the religious right, such as 'prayer dogs', 'cathies', 'creation whores' or 'fairy tale princesses'. But even those are a little mean, and I actually took those slurs off a web-site hosted by a famous magic-comedy duo based in LA. They of course will remain anonymous. The Fauster & Fauster Program I developed for them was based in mathematic principles and a healthy disbelief in the actual existence of human souls writ large. Souls are simply a fantasy projection, such as the value of money.


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